Quality Matters

HOME > NEWS Quality Matters and Working Toward Best Practices for Online Course Design As we continue to refine our strategies in online learning, it is helpful to look toward organizations that specialize in this work for guidance. One such organization (Quality Matters) has been especially influential in establishing best practices for AAP’s latest online […]

IRC Instructional Design Office Hours

HOME > NEWS IRC Instructional Design Office Hours The IRC had available Instructional Design Bookings for AAP Faculty – to answer questions, brainstorm ideas, and share resources. Are you teaching an online course and have some questions about the best way to set up an activity or assignment in Canvas? Do you have other questions regarding […]

How to Teach a Good First Day of Class

HOME > NEWS How to Teach a Good First Day of Class This article, in Academe Today of The Chronicle of Higher Education, How to Teach a Good First Day of Class, by James M. Lang provides excellent advice on strategies for getting off on the right foot with your students. Recommended Reading: These effective strategies […]

Infographic as a Visual Literacy Tool

HOME > NEWS Infographic as a Visual Literacy Tool Visual literacy strategies can engage learners to think critically as they can create opportunities for learners to derive meaning from images of everything that they see, and evaluate, apply, or create conceptual visual representations from these meanings. Visual Literacy Startegies Visual literacy: An overview According to […]

The Potential in Podcasts

HOME > NEWS The Potential in Podcasts What do podcasts have to do with teaching and learning in online education? What lessons can educators take away from the popularity of this medium? Are you a podcast fan or do you know someone who is? While I enjoy following a couple of podcasts during my daily […]

Zoom Bombing Deterrence

HOME > NEWS Zoom Bombing Deterrence Zoom Bombings are when strangers join zoom meetings and class sessions with the intention of being disruptive and potentially sharing malicious content. As a result of these disruptions, we highly encourage implementing some preventative security precautions with your Zoom sessions. Firstly, we must advise that you don’t post the […]

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